Spotify playlist
Mindful Movement
Mindful Movement is a simple recipe for deep relaxation, natural joy and much more.
Naturally, silence, music and movement make you relax and connect to your inner world. These three, although it sounds too simple to be true, are immediate effective answers to stress and tension. These three, when practiced regularly, keep humans healthy and happy. We are wired that way.
In a Mindful Movement session we step into a safe space where you can focus on yourself completely. The guidance is inviting, never compelling. This way you can give space to spontaneous movement and experience what all wants to happen naturally.
Movement and music have beneficial effects on our brain and body. What your movement looks like, doesn’t matter. We finish every session with a seated meditation. With great ease you sink into the silence after your body had the chance to release tension and energy.
After a session, you will feel relaxed, refreshed and aligned.